Saturday, December 29, 2007

Don't Let Money Issues Tear Your Relationship Apart

They say money can’t buy love, but it CAN tear a relationship apart. Here are three ways to put a stop-payment on your money bickering, so you can start saving for your future. These come from Psychologist Dr. Jonathan Rich, who wrote the book: The Couple’s Guide To Love And Money.
  • Create 3 bank accounts. Start with separate “his” and “hers” accounts. Then add a third “ours” account. Dr. Rich says that’ll be the one you use to cover shared expenses – like the mortgage, utilities, and food. If one of you makes more than the other – make the “ours” account the same percentage of your total pay so it’s fair. Then use your individual accounts for personal fun. That way neither of you will feel deprived if one of you wants to splurge.
  • Stay focused on your long-term goals. Sailors are told to fight sea-sickness by staring at the distant horizon. That way their brain can focus on something stable, instead of the objects bobbing up and down in the water close by. Dr. Rich says that advice applies to money too. Bickering over small day-to-day expenses will strain your relationship. Instead, concentrate on the big picture. Sit down and map out some long-term goals – like saving to buy a house. Then after you agree on a plan, check in with each other only ONCE a month, to make sure you’re still on course.
  • Always share the wealth. It’s normal for men to thrive on competition, but rivalries have NO place in a marriage. If one of you gets a raise at work, consider it a raise for BOTH of you. Don’t stress out over who’s the bigger breadwinner! So if one of you gets a holiday bonus this year, Dr. Rich says cheer each other on. Don’t turn it into a competition between you because that’s one competition you’ll lose, even if you win.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Dealing With Depression and Holiday Stress

Balancing the demands of shopping, family obligations, and house guests may leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed. And stress itself can cause feelings of depression.

Try these 19 tips to beat holiday stress.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Suicide On The Rise Among Middle-Aged Americans

ATLANTA (AP) - The suicide rate for middle-aged Americans has climbed to its highest point in at least 25 years, in what's being described as an unrecognized tragedy.

One researcher says the age group is often overlooked. Suicide prevention programs tend to focus on teenagers, and many researchers only study suicide in the elderly.

The numbers in a new government report show suicides rose about 20% between 1999 and 2004 for Americans between 45 and 54. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control says that far outpace the increases for younger adults.

Experts don't know why middle-age suicides are on the rise.

The overall number of suicides is holding steady. Thirty-two thousand Americans take their own lives every year.

[Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.]

Friday, December 07, 2007

Teen Birth Rate Rises

The nation's teen — 15-19 age group — birth rate has risen for the first time in 17 years, according to a new government report. A government statistician Wednesday reported that it had jumped three percent from 2005 to 2006.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Marriage Is Eco-Friendly, Divorce Is Not

WASHINGTON (AP) - Here's a reason to stay married: Divorce can be bad for the environment.

An ecologist at Michigan State University has been studying the affect of divorce on the environment and finds married households are more efficient when it comes to water, energy and land use.

When there's a divorce, one household becomes two and that means a higher drain on resources. In the U.S., for example, splitting households increase utility costs by nearly $7 billion per year.
The researcher says he knows some couples really do need to split up, but says living with other people helps reduce the impact on the environment.

The analysis appears in this week's online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.]

It Is OK For Parents To Spank

The American College of Pediatricians carefully reviewed the available research on corporal punishment and concludes, in its position statement on the subject, that disciplinary spanking by parents can be effective when properly used. "It is clear that parents should not solely rely upon disciplinary spanking to accomplish control of their child's behavior. Evidence suggests that it can be a useful and necessary part of a successful disciplinary plan," notes the just-released position statement.

"When a child defies a parent's instruction, spanking is one of a few options parents can consider to correct the misbehavior," says Den Trumbull, MD, FCP, principal author of the statement. "Spanking is most appropriate with children 2 to 6 years old, and when milder types of correction have failed."

The complete policy and position statements with guidelines can be found at
The American College of Pediatricians is a national medical association of licensed physicians and healthcare professionals who specialize in the care of infants, children, and adolescents. The mission of the College is "to enable all children to reach their optimal, physical and emotional health and well- being." We promote "a society where all children from the moment of their conception are valued unselfishly." The College further notes, "that children are the future of our nation and society."

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Making Memories With Your Children

One of the most important things parents can give their children is memories. Memories of unique experiences, special times, or even the little things that are done every day around the house. Children will remember these things as they go on to build their own families later in life. These can be simple things such as taking a child along on an errand and talking to him about things he finds interesting.

The way you celebrate Christmas and special holidays will stay with your children for the rest of their lives. As parents, we tend to forget that this is one of the things that make not only for a great deal of fun but also it provides the cement and foundation that will help children become successful parents later as they grow and marry and have children of their own.

Depression and the Holidays

As you enter the fast-paced portion of the Christmas Season, you will encounter many in the who do not exhibit the holiday spirit. In fact, a lot of them will be depressed or manifest sadness.
For some, that feeling can easily be traced to the loss of a loved one or some memory of past yuletide seasons. For others, their depression will emerge due to finances or broken relationships. There will be those who find the pace of the season so hectic they fail to cope effectively. Many will be overcome with the thought of the relatives they must entertain, or church activities that take their families away. The point is — whatever the reason for radical mood swings or erratic behavior, they must be addressed or the whole meaning of the Christmas Season can be lost. That could even happen to you.

You think I'm kidding? A study by the Mental Health Administration (2004-2006) found that nearly two out of ten of us who serve in the personal care and service profession reported being depressed.

Major depression strikes 17 percent of Americans and government figures show about 30,000 a year commit suicide, according to USAToday.

How do you help the sorrowful or depressed person? For sure, pray for them and help that individual trace back to the cause of his or her situation. If the condition is ongoing or persistent, they will need to get professional assistance. Offer emotional support and, whatever you do, please do not just sweep that person's feelings "under the rug." They most likely are not faking and in time will get better, but you can't just say "snap out of it" — and, like the swipe of a magician's wand, expect everything to be better.

Here is a list of scriptures that might be helpful to you as you guide people back to wholeness:
  • "The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" (Ps. 34:18).
  • "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones"(Prov. 17:22).
  • "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed: perplexed but not in despair" (2 Cor. 4:8).

Monday, November 05, 2007

One-Third of Adults Feel Extreme Stress

A new survey from the American Psychological Association found that nearly a third of U.S. adults report "extreme stress," reports

The survey found that: 32 percent report extreme stress; nearly one in five (17%) reach their highest stress level 15 or more days per month; and almost half (48%) say their stress level has risen over the last five years.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

How to Choose a Therapist

Is life going up in flames? Are you suffering through a nasty divorce, a devastating layoff or even prolonged depression? Life's difficulties are hard to avoid, and we might get stuck in them and not see a way out. That's when getting help from a professional may be imperative.

But how do you go about finding the right help? Wisdom, life experience and empathy are vital in a therapist. After all, he or she will have to teach you the skills you need to manage life. Here are some things to consider when searching for the right match:

Location - Location proximity is actually very important. People make excuses when it comes to therapy: "I can't make my appointment today because it's too far..." Location should not become an obstacle. If there are no therapists in your zip code, try those in a town nearby. The Synergy Counseling Center is located in Fort Payne, the county seat of Dekalb County. Synergy Counseling Center is located on First Street, downtown, across the street from Fort Payne Printing.

Comfort Level - Check out the photo profiles of therapists in your area. Do you think you'll be comfortable discussing the secrets of your life with this person?  At Synergy Counseling Center, we strive for the absolute comfort of all our clients.

The Right Stuff - Find a professional who has treated people with problems similar to those you face. Often a therapist focuses on specific issues such as eating disorders, sexual dysfunction or mood disorders. And, of course, find out what treatment the therapist employs as well as his/her results. Sometimes a therapist works closely with particular populations such as adolescents, gay couples or people of particular religious backgrounds. Be sure to learn your therapist's focus.

Basics - Ph.D., M.D., Psy.D., M.S.W., M.A., M.S., M.Div., D.Min. - don't fuss over credentials and degrees. What you really need is a therapist who will connect with you. All therapists at the Synergy Counseling Center are fully qualified, but work very hard to connect with every client.

The Methods - Therapists have certain methods and orientations. Some use cognitive behavioral therapy, for example. A variety of methods are effective. Synergy Counseling Center offers a variety of therapeutic treatment methods.

Make Contact - Contact two or three therapists. You will most likely get voicemail. Don't hang up; leave your name and number. On your first visit, ask yourself, "Do we click?" Do you feel a connection with your therapist? For you to reveal yourself, you will need to feel safe and at ease.

In The Pocket - When you do settle on a therapist, settle on the fee beforehand. You may also need to inquire about a sliding-scale arrangement - a flexible fee schedule adjusted to your needs or income. The Relationship Clinic fee is $65 per session, normally about one hour. If there is a financial need, a fee reduction can be applied for. Synergy Counseling Center does not accept insurance arrangements. There's a confusing array of insurance arrangements - HMO's, MBHO's, private pay. The Synergy Counseling Center will provide receipts which allow the client to file their own claim. Every carrier is different.

Sharing Values - Equally critical is sharing the same values. One would think that psychotherapy is value-free, but finding a therapist who shares your beliefs is necessary. You are building a relationship, so starting at the core is important. If struggling with a partner in a relationship has brought you to therapy, for example, you certainly want to know how the therapist feels about cohabitation before marriage. The therapists at the Synergy Counseling Center are professional, but Christian oriented.

Are You Listening? - Does your therapist have good listening skills? Don't laugh, but you need to be sure he/she is attentive and hears what you have to say. That's why it's called talk therapy. Is he/she asking the right questions, is he/she asking enough of them?

Too Eager - A therapist shouldn't be too eager to please. Say you suffer from self-esteem problems, it does no good if the therapist does nothing more than flatter you. Instead, choose one who will challenge you. You will want one who is proactive and perhaps gives you assignments. He/she might ask you to read up on your issues or to conduct an experiment. The road to good mental health takes work.

Ask the provider how long therapy should last. - Don't accept a vague answer. If the person is experienced, he or she should have an idea of what you can expect.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Treating Depression is a Good Business Move

[Associated Press]

CHICAGO (AP) - A new study suggests that by quickly getting employees treatment and even offering telephone psychotherapy companies can cut absenteeism and improve workers' health.
A researcher with the National Institute of Mental Health, which funded the study, says it shows that spending money on depression is a smart business move.

Employees who got the aggressive intervention worked on average about two weeks more during the yearlong study than those who got the usual care. Also, researchers say more of them were still employed by year's end, thus saving employers additional hiring and training costs.
In addition, those in the intervention group were almost 40% more likely to recover from depression during the study, which is reported in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association.

Monday, September 10, 2007

American Girls' Suicide Rates Rise

[By Greg Bluestein,]

The suicide rate among preteen and teenage girls rose to its highest level in 15 years, and hanging surpassed guns as the preferred method, federal health officials reported...


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Depression May Be World's Most Disabling Disease

FRIDAY, Sept. 7 (HealthDay News) -- When compared with other chronic diseases, depression may well be the most disabling disease in the world, a new global study finds.

People with chronic physical diseases such as angina, arthritis, asthma and diabetes also fare far worse if they also suffer from depression, the team of international researchers found.

"Being sad is bad for your health," according to lead researcher Dr. Somnath Chatterji, from the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland.

But all too often, he said, depression doesn't get the serious attention paid to physical ailments.
"Treatment of mental health conditions such as depression are a necessity, not a luxury. Mental health conditions such as depression must be treated on a par with physical health conditions," Chatterji said.

In the study, published in the Sept. 8 issue of The Lancet, Chatterji's team perused data on more than 245,000 people from 60 countries participating in WHO's World Health Survey.
They found that 3.2 percent of people had experienced a depressive episode in the past year. For people with angina, the rate was 4.5 percent; for people with arthritis, it was 4.1 percent; for those with asthma, it was 3.3 percent; and for people with diabetes, it was 2 percent.

Moreover, between 9 percent and 23 percent of people had depression in addition to suffering from one or more of these conditions. That's significantly higher than the likelihood of having depression without having a chronic disease, Chatterji's group noted.

After the researchers had accounted for socioeconomic factors and health conditions, they confirmed that depression had the biggest effect on worsening health compared with the other four major chronic illnesses. In different countries, people with depression plus one or more chronic diseases were in the worst health of all the disease states studied, Chatterji's team reported.

"Compared to the chronic physical illnesses of angina, arthritis, asthma and diabetes, depression produces the most decline in health," Chatterji said. "Having depression over and above a physical illness significantly worsens health even further," he said.

Depression needs to be recognized and treated as an urgent public health priority, Chatterji said. "Persons with physical illnesses should also be examined for depression and treated appropriately. Primary care providers must learn to recognize and manage concurrent physical illnesses and depression to reduce disease burden and improve population health," he added.
One expert hailed the findings.

"It is encouraging to see that results that we have been seeing from our country, from studies in the United States about the devastating effects of comorbid depression with other chronic illnesses, are replicable internationally," said David L. Shern, the president and CEO of the nonprofit advocacy group Mental Health America.

Depression is a huge public health issue, Shern said. "Continuing to have these inane debates about whether we should have insurance coverage for mental health care, in the light of data like these, is just silly," he said.

The study also highlights the need for integrated care and screening for depression, Shern said. "Practitioners need to be educated to look for depression, and consumers need to push their doctors to be aware of their depression," he said.

Depression is treatable, Shern noted. "That's one of the big stories of the last 20 years -- the development of pharmacological treatments that have broad scale effectiveness," he said. "There are psychosocial treatments, for people who don't want to take medication, that are just as effective," he said. "Combining the two is the preferred regimen."

For more on depression, visit the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Suicide Rises in Youth

[By BENEDICT CAREY - Published: September 7, 2007]

In a finding that is likely to revive a debate of many years about the safety of drugs prescribed for depression, health officials reported yesterday that the rate of suicide in Americans ages 10 to 24 increased 8 percent from 2003 to 2004, the largest jump in more than 15 years.

Some psychiatrists argue that the reason for the increase is the decline in prescriptions of antidepressant drugs like Prozac to young people since 2003, leaving more cases of serious depression untreated. Others say that it is impossible to know if the increase is linked to patterns of antidepressant prescriptions. The one-year spike in suicides could be a statistical fluctuation, they say, and not the start of a trend.

The increase was particularly sharp among adolescents, especially girls, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which released the figures yesterday. The timing of the increase coincided with a public debate in the United States and overseas over whether the antidepressants increased the risk of suicide in a small percentage of young people who took them. In late 2004, after public hearings, the Food and Drug Administration called for drug makers to put a prominent “blackbox” warning on the drugs’ labels, cautioning about the possibility of increased suicide risk in minors.

Since then, experts have been arguing over whether the controversy about the drugs and the drug agency’s warnings had saved lives or scared away patients who could have benefited from antidepressant treatment, leading to more suicides. In a study first presented at a scientific meeting last December and published Wednesday in The American Journal of Psychiatry, an international team of researchers found that a decrease in antidepressant prescriptions to minors of just a few percentage points coincided with a 14 percent spike in suicides in the United States; in the Netherlands, the suicide rate went up almost 50 percent in young people when prescription rates began to drop, the study found.

Ileana Arias, director of the C.D.C.’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, which produced the new report, said it was impossible to say what caused the increase.
“The issue is that there is a wide range of factors that may be accounting for the increase, and we’re not aware of anyone who has done an analysis to account for those,” Dr. Arias said.
In addition to changes in prescribing habits, she said, other changes might include increased rates of mental health disorders or increased rates of alcohol or drug use.

Dr. Thomas Laughren, director of the division of psychiatry products at the F.D.A., said in a conference call with reporters that the agency would need to see more data over time, linking declines in prescriptions to suicide risk before revisiting any of its decisions. In January, after a lengthy review of drug trial data, an F.D.A. panel voted to extend the “blackbox” warning to include adults up to age 24 — and also to include cautions on the labels that untreated depression was a risk factor for suicide.

“You simply cannot reach causal conclusions” from the new C.D.C. data, Dr. Laughren said.
The disease control agency’s analysis found that in 2004 there were 4,599 suicides in Americans ages 10 to 24, up from 4,232 in 2003, for a rate of 7.32 per 100,000 people that age. In the years before that, the rate had dropped to 6.78 per 100,000 in 2003 from 9.48 per 100,000 in 1990.

Over the last year, several studies have suggested that antidepressant drugs are more likely to reduce suicide risk than increase it.

“We’re starting to get a very cohesive story, that the highest risk period for suicide is right before treatment is started, and the risk actually comes down once pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy is started,” said Robert Gibbons, a professor of biostatistics and psychiatry at the University of Illinois in Chicago and the lead author of the study in the psychiatry journal.
But Andrew C. Leon, a psychiatric researcher at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, said it was still far too early to tell what the link was, if any, between antidepressant use and suicide. “These are rare events, suicides, and it’s very difficult to disentangle random fluctuations in the numbers from the start of a real trend,” Dr. Leon said.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Mental Health neglected Worldwide

New research published in the medical journal, The Lancet, has highlighted the extent to which the mentally ill are neglected in the developing world.

Scientists say mental illness makes up about 14% of global disease, more than cancer or heart disease.

Up to 800,000 people commit suicide each year, mostly in poorer countries.

Despite this, the authors say, 90% of sufferers in developing countries receive no care. In some cases they are chained to trees or kept in cages.

Health officials called for new strategies and more money for treatment of the mentally ill in the developing world in a special series published by The Lancet.

They warned that as more people suffer from mental problems as a result of war, poverty and disease, unless widespread treatment becomes available, poor countries will be further handicapped in the future.

Nirmala Srinivasan, head of Action For Mental Illness, a lobby group based in Bangalore, India, told the Associated Press news agency that only 7% - 8% of an estimated 40 million to 50 million people in India who are victims of some form of mental illness - schizophrenia, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety - get proper treatment.

Mentally ill adults in the major Brazilian cities are frequently seen begging on street corners and sleeping under highway overpasses.

In poor rural communities, families living in poverty cope the best they can with mentally ill relatives, but are often unable to afford medication or specialized care.

In Zambia, where it is believed to be a sign of witchcraft or being possessed by the devil, people who are sick are reluctant to seek help.

Mental illness is indeed life-threatening. About 800,000 a year commit suicide.

More than four out of five are in low or middle income countries.

But the report is also keen to stress the impact of mental health on other health conditions.
Poor mental health makes people more prone to other health problems - and then they are also less likely to get the medical help, social support and treatment they need.

Their dependents may suffer too. There is evidence from India and Pakistan, for example, that mothers who are depressed are more likely to have a malnourished child.

Many poorer countries are often presented with a stark choice when it comes to the treatment of mental patients given the scarcity of resources.

But many of the experts say basic mental health services can be provided cheaply and simply, especially if they are made part of general healthcare.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Women, Stress, & Health

All About WOMEN: Your Gut/Stress Connection

Stress gives some women migraines. Others get continual colds. But irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

Read more.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Solving Conflicts Without Arguing

Conflicts are inevitable. Arguing is a choice. Conflicts grow out of our uniqueness. The goal of conflict resolution is not to rid ourselves of our differences. The goal is to learn to work together as a team, using differences to make life better for both of us.

But for some couples, conflicts lead to arguments and arguments often get out of control. Instead of finding solutions, they create new problems. One wife told me, "I just do whatever he wants because I'm tired of arguing." Obviously, this approach won't lead to an authentic relationship.--

Monday, July 16, 2007

How We Get Addicted

[By Michael D. Lemonick]

For a species wired for survival, we have an odd habit of getting hooked on things that can kill us. New research is revealing why-and opening the door to a long-dreamed-of cure....


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Depression Causes Rejection, and Rejection Causes Depression

Do you ever pretend to be happy, even when you are not?

It is not enough to pretend that you are happy. The people around you probably can see right through this lie. Maybe you’re acting the part but your heart is not truly in it. Your happiness and desire to be around others has to be authentic. Being authentically happy is the only way to get people view that you are not depressed.

In some ways, you may be caught in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Being depressed and emotionally unavailable, you fear that you cannot connect with others or that others will reject you. This thinking likely makes it difficult for others to connect with you, and you them, and this inability to connect fuels and reinforces your depression. The best way to break this cycle is to rid yourself of your depression. Once the depression is gone, you can be yourself and finally start connecting with others in a genuine way. Your depression stifles this process.

Overcoming depression is no easy task. This is especially true when you have endured a great amount of loss and pain. Despite your pains and losses, your depression is not insurmountable. Antidepressants are a good start but a medication regime alone will never be enough to help you work through your depression. A seasoned therapist can help you work through your depression and regain your life and your social ties.

Find a counselor to connect with and get help in ending your depression.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Alcoholism Study Shows High Stats

More than 30 percent of American adults have abused alcohol or suffered from alcoholism at some point in their lives, and few have received treatment, according to a new government study...


Thursday, July 05, 2007

How Do I Wean My baby?

You have a determined and strong child. He/she knows what he/she wants and goes for it. But he/she is in danger of hurting themselves Meanwhile, you are trying to take the next step in their independence but you are being frustrated in your efforts.

The best source of information I know for issues around nursing (and weaning) is the La Leche League. Go to and search “weaning.” You will find lots of information. See if there is a LLL chapter near you. If so, you may find that they have support groups and/or other women who can coach you through this important time in your baby’s life.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Women Increasingly Guilty of Domestic Violence

SEATTLE, June 27 (UPI) -- University of Washington researchers tracing the development of violent behavior have found a link between teenage violence and domestic violence. Adolescents who engaged in violent behavior at a relatively steady rate through their teenage years and those whose violence began in their mid-teens and increased over the years are significantly more likely to engage in domestic violence in their mid-20s than other young adults, according to lead author Todd Herrenkohl, an associate professor of social work at the University of Washington in Seattle. The study, published in the journal Violence and Victims, also found no independent link between an individual's use of alcohol or drugs and committing domestic violence. In addition it showed that nearly twice as many women as men said they perpetrated domestic violence in the past year, including kicking, biting or punching a partner, threatening to hit or throw something at a partner, and pushing, grabbing or shoving a partner, said Herrenkohl.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Dr. Don G. Brock & Yvonne Brock

At the Clinic.
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DeKalb County Probate Judge Ronnie Osborne & Dr. Don G. Brock

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Dr. Don G. Brock & Dr. Tom McFarland

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Dr. Arlene McFarland & Dr. Tom McFarland

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Dr. Don G. Brock & Norma Jones

(At the Clinic.)
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Inside The Clinic

[Click on image to enlarge it.]
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The Relationship Clinic Staff

(L to R) Dr. Tom McFarlend, Norma Jones, Carol Ohme, Dr. Arlene McFarland, two Chamber of Commerse Officials, Yvonne Brock, and Dr. Don G. Brock. (In front of the Clinic.)

[Click on image to enlarge it.]
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Start Feeling Better Now!

  • Addictions
  • Adolescent Challenges
  • Anger & Stress Management
  • Anxiety
  • Blended Family Issues
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Depression
  • Divorce Issues
  • Domestic Violence
  • Grief & Loss
  • Home of Origin Issues
  • Life Management Skills
  • Panic Attacks
  • Parenting Skills
  • Personality Inventory
  • Pre-Marriage Counseling
  • Relationships (Couples - Marriage - Family)
  • Religious Issues
  • Self Esteem
  • Trauma
  • Trust & Intimacy

Relationship Clinic Parking

The Relationship Clinic is located at 216 Gault Avenue North, in downtown Fort Payne, Alabama, across the street from Martin’s (jewelers), and beside the DeKalb Advertiser. Free parking in front of the clinic on the street, or in the rear parking lot (DeKalb Gas).

Relationship Clinic Fees

Payment is due at the time of service. We do not accept insurance. The median Clinic fee is $80 per session. Those who can afford to pay more (income above $70,000) are encouraged to do so in order to help those less fortunate.

For those who need financial assistance, we provide the following sliding scale based on combined gross income:

$80; $65,000 - $70,000
$75; $60,000 - $65,000
$70; $55,000 - $60,000
$65; $50,000 - $55,000
$60; $45,000 - $50,000
$55; $40,000 - $45,000
$50; $00,000 - $40,000


About The Relationship Clinic

At the Relationship Clinic, we help people - real people with real life challenges. We help people deal with a full spectrum of life’s most difficult periods; from depression or grief counseling to hopelessness and even crisis.

Our staff is among the most experienced and highly-skilled in the industry. Specialists here cover a broad spectrum of counseling and are dedicated to give our clients the support and encouragement they need to live full and happy lives.

People needn’t tackle life’s difficult challenges alone, we’re here to help.

Monday, May 07, 2007

The Four Horsemen of Marital Apocalypse

Experts say it's not the amount of conflict in a marriage that determines its success or failure. Rather it's how a couple fights that is the best predictor of divorce. The road to irreconcilable differences is paved with specific fighting tactics, known as the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” Are you guilty of these toxic tendencies in the heat of an argument?


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Counseling Services in Fort Payne, Alabama

Synergy Counseling Center is an outpatient mental health clinic providing individual, couple, family and group therapy.

At the Counseling Center we understand everyone has personal concerns. We help to provide you with the tools necessary to make changes. Maybe you are going through a very tough time and wondering what you can do to improve your relationships. We want you to know that having a personal concern is NORMAL. Being able to admit to a personal, family, or behavioral concern takes courage. Many concerns you can resolve without special help, but sometimes the concern is more than you want to deal with alone. That is where professional counseling can be helpful.

The concerns we help: every day the Counseling Center helps individuals, couples, families, work teams, businesses, and groups.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Resolving Conflict

It happens every day. But the only evenings I actually notice the sunset are the evenings when I'm fighting with someone I love. For as the shadows lengthen, a haunting Scripture I memorized long ago inevitably returns to me: "Don't let the sun go down while you're still angry."

Following that simple commandment can bring even the worst marital squabbles to a hasty end. Unless, of course, the squabbles don't begin till after dark. Find out how one couple resolved their nightly bedtime arguments and rediscovered the sunny side of marriage's first year.

But if you start the arguing a little before bedtime, you might find the key to a smoother evening is divvying up after-work household chores!

Or it might be laughing together after a stressful day. Take a look at the hilarious marriage of stand-up comedians Kerri Pomarolli and Ron McGhee, and you'll probably agree.

Then for more glimpses into some exemplary marriages, as well as communication pointers that'll assure you numerous peaceful nights of sunset watching with your spouse, visit

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Marriage Enrichment

Make Today the Day You Start a New Life with Your Wife.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Creative Ways to Get Cozy

You and your mate can feel extra-connected this winter with one of these heat-generating snuggle moves.
  • The Sofa Snuggle: Put a spin on spooning. Have your mate lie behind you. Bring your knees to your chest, curling your whole body up tight, and let his arms and legs cover you like a blanket.
  • The Hit-and-Run Snuggle: Sneak up behind your mate while she's washing dishes or raiding the fridge and give her a bear hug. Take a deep breath in unison and exhale.
  • The Soul Snuggle: Sit on your spouse's lap, facing him. Hold hands, rub noses, gaze into each other's eyes, and feel the love flow between you.

—Redbook (January 2005)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Staying Connected in Your Marriage

  • Connect with your spouse through devotional time together.
  • And if you don't, get helpful pointers for growing closer spiritually in this week's quick tip.
  • But if you've sensed a chilly distance growing between you and your mate, learn how to weather a winter season in your marriage.
  • And for help weathering other challenges in your marriage, read expert advice and answers to some common relationship questions.