Thursday, August 13, 2009

7 Communication Connections

These seven tips can improve the way you and your mate communicate. But be aware — most but not all men and women will share these characteristics. Switch up if you need to — that's normal, too!
  1. Women are inclined to want "feeling" conversations, while men lean toward problem solving. Label the kind of conversation you expect to have.
  2. Women give and want to hear lots of details; men go for the bottom line.
  3. Men discuss topics such as sports, politics, and movies.
  4. When a woman says, "Nothing's wrong," something usually is. Husbands — offer to be a sympathetic listener when she's ready to talk.
  5. A husband wants to be part of the solution to a problem, not viewed as the problem.
  6. Men tend to dislike unsolicited advice — they presume their mate believes they can't handle things on their own.
  7. When a woman is upset and emotional, just listen. Attempting to offer an explanation will frequently be taken as invalidation.

[Adapted from One Good Year by Dr. David and Janet Congo (Cook Communications)]

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