From an article on complaining, here are several reasons why negative talk is so bad:
• Complaining makes legitimate gripes appear worse than they are. When you complain, you are focusing on one thing - what's wrong. There may be some actual good things in the company or workplace, but you only focus on the annoyances. If you're in a workplace where 80 percent of it is good and 20 percent is bad, and you spend most of your time zeroed in on the bad, your situation will appear to be worse than it really is.
• Complaining becomes part of your personality. It starts to get easier and easier to complain if you keep doing it. After awhile, everything starts looking bad. Every situation you face is a crisis and every person you deal with is a moron. Nothing is good anymore.
• Complaining destroys all hope that things will ever get better. To the complainer. where you work is the worst place ever. Where you live is a dump. Everyone in your neighborhood is unfriendly. You become a complaint magnet and eventually you lose all hope that anything good can ever happen for you. In fact, if someone comes along with a new idea, you're the first to shoot it down.
• Complainers nurture bad relationships. People who complain together stay together. Check your relationships. Are they built on the fact you share the same complaints with another person? That's not too healthy. If your relationship is based on complaints, then the one who complains the most is the most popular and if you stop complaining, the relationship falls apart. If you're negative, you have less friends and a social life that is suffering.
Constant complaining will drain any happiness you have. It will diminish your drive to be a creative and fun human being to be around. People have a tendency to not want to be around someone who complains too much.
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